Milk Bath

A women's body is a sacred temple. A work of art, and a life-giving vessel. Once she becomes a mother her body serves as a medicine cabinet for her infant, from her milk she can nourish and heal her own child from a variety of ailments.

A milk bath represents breastmilk. It represents something that is vital to a baby, something amazing and powerful. The milk bath portraits are another way to commemorate your breastfeeding journey whether you are still breastfeeding strong, or had to end your journey early.

  • local and travel sessions are available
  • Private Gallery with download and sharing options
  • 30 minimum high resolution edited images
  • all images will be delivered 1-2 weeks.
  • personal password protected gallery
  • prints available for purchase
  • includes black and white images
  • decor and color will be decided upon booking

By telling your story now, your children will be able to took back at family photographs in ten - twenty years and smile.